The Founders: Portraits of Persons Born Abroad Who Came to the Colonies in North America Before the Year 1701
$ 59.95
The Boston Athenaeum originally published these volumes in 1919 as a catalogue of a 1917 exhibition of engravings and photographs which included portraits by Rembrandt and Van Dyck. Each portrait...
The Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown (in two volumes)
$ 39.95
Wyman’s work, compiled over thirty years and originally published in 1879, is notable not only as a comprehensive collection of genealogies of early settlers but also as an abstract of real...
The History and Antiquities of Boston, From Its Settlement in 1630 to the Year 1770
$ 29.95
Originally published in 1856, Drake's history of pre-revolutionary Boston has long been a key resource for historians. From the city's founding to its first churches; natural disasters to outbreaks; witchcraft...
The History and Antiquities of Every Town in the State of New York
$ 32.95
Barber and Howe’s collaboration, originally published in 1841, opens with a general history of the state, followed by the details of each town, arranged alphabetically by county, then town, then...
The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, 1600 to 1700
$ 27.95
Published more than 125 years ago, this important resource compiles documents listing seventeenth-century English immigrants to New England, the Chesapeake, and the Caribbean. It remains an invaluable resource for anyone...
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