Showing 1477 - 1488 of 2149 result

Strangers No More: A Memoir – Sequel to The Stranger in My Genes

$ 29.95

In his 2016 best-seller, The Stranger in My Genes: A Memoir, Bill Griffeth told of learning that the father who raised him was not, in fact, his biological father. In...

Strawbery Banke, Portsmouth, New Hampshire - Office Guidebook

$ 5.00

Condition: Very Good; Softbound; 90 Pages; Author: Peter E. Randall ; Published: 1982;

Suffolk Surnames

$ 24.00

Condition:Fair; Hardcover: 757 Pages; Published: 1861; Cover faded and worn; Pages tonedN. I . Bowditch

Suffolk Surnames

$ 25.00

Condition: Good; Hardcover; Author: N. I. Bowditch; Published: 1857; Cover and binding worn, corners bumped, pages yellowed with age

Summer Soldiers - A Survey and Index of Revolutionary War Courts-Martial

$ 7.00

Condition: Good; Hardcover; 294 Pages; Published: 1986; Dust Jacket worn with age and torn in places otherwise very goodJames C. Neagles

Supplement to Genealogies

$ 8.00

Author: Edwin Jaquett Sellers Published: 1922 Hardcover, 73  pages Condition: Very Good
Showing 1477 - 0 of 2149 result
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