Webinar Syllabus: Virginia Genealogy: Go-To Published Resources
$ 10.00
Virginia was not only the largest and most populous of the American colonies, but its population was also highly migratory within Virginia’s borders and beyond. Little wonder then that so...
Webinar Syllabus: Basics of New England Research
$ 10.00
Created by Ann Lawthers, Genealogist Published: October 2021 PDF Download, 12 pages Whether your ancestors lived in New England in the 17th century or the 21st centuries, this syllabus will...
Webinar Syllabus: Scots-Irish in America
$ 10.00
The Scots-Irish have been immigrating to America since the early 18th century. Today, there are more then 5.4 million Americans who have Scots-Irish ancestry. But who are the Scots-Irish? Where...
Webinar Syllabus: Understanding Irish Land Divisions
$ 10.00
Ireland has a unique and rather confusing system of land divisions, all of which need to be known and understood to effectively and accurately look for your ancestors. A...
Webinar Handout: Creating A Plan For Cluster Research
$ 10.00
Created by American Ancestors Director of Research Services Lindsay FultonPublished: May 2020PDF Download, 7 pages Hit a brick wall in your research? Cluster research is a method that broadens the...
Webinar Syllabus: Migration: New England To and Through New York
$ 10.00
Created by Kyle Hurst, Senior Genealogist of the Newbury Street Press Published: November 2022 PDF Download, 10 pages This syllabus is intended to accompany our webinar “Migration: New England To and...
Webinar Syllabus: Pennsylvania Genealogy: Go-To Published Resources
$ 10.00
Many family historians’ genealogical journey takes them to Pennsylvania. Since its founding, Pennsylvania has seen countless waves immigrants settle within its borders. Luckily, there are many published resources that can...
Webinar Syllabus: Researching War of 1812 Veteran Ancestors
$ 10.00
By the end of the War of 1812, nearly 35,000 American Regulars and 458,000 militia had served on land and sea. In this syllabus, Chief Genealogist David Allen Lambert provides...
Webinar Syllabus: New England Town Records
$ 10.00
Town records from New England can contain a wealth of genealogical information. These records can contain records of births, marriages, burials, mortgages, name changes, and more that can help you...
Webinar Syllabus: Getting Started in Scottish Research
$ 10.00
Scots have been migrating to and settling in America and Canada for centuries. Today, there are an estimated 25 million Americans of Scottish descent. Tracing your Scottish heritage is rewarding,...
Webinar Syllabus: Deciphering Old Handwriting
$ 10.00
While we might wish all our ancestors’ records were typed in a standard format and perfectly legible, that simply isn’t the case. Many of the records family historians turn to...
Webinar Syllabus: Ohio Genealogy: Go-To-Published Resources
$ 10.00
Whether Ohio was a final destination for your ancestor or a stop along their journey west, published genealogical resources for the state and the Western Reserve are important for many...
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