American Ancestors Magazine Special Edition: 2020--Your Guide to the Mayflower 400th Anniversary
$ 6.95
This special commemorative issue of American Ancestors magazine focuses on the history, relevance, and impact of the Mayflower and its passengers. Drawing from our extensive staff expertise, as well as from partner...
A Guide to Massachusetts Public Records Parishes, Towns, and Counties
$ 26.95
In 1884, Carroll D. Wright was appointed to prepare a report showing the condition of the public records of the parishes, towns, and counties of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This...
The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy, Second Edition
$ 29.99
New! Expanded & Updated! Unlock the secrets in your DNA!Discover the answers to your family history mysteries using the most-cutting edge tool available to genealogists. This plain-English guide, newly...
The Founders: Portraits of Persons Born Abroad Who Came to the Colonies in North America Before the Year 1701
$ 59.95
The Boston Athenaeum originally published these volumes in 1919 as a catalogue of a 1917 exhibition of engravings and photographs which included portraits by Rembrandt and Van Dyck. Each portrait...
Stamford Town Records: Volume 1, 1641–1723
$ 18.00$ 34.95
Stamford Town Records: Volume 1, 1641–1723
$ 18.00$ 34.95
All genealogical research depends on authentic vital and historical records. Researchers of Stamford, Connecticut, an important New England town founded in 1641, have long depended on flawed transcriptions and abstracts...
From Deference to Defiance Charlestown, Massachusetts, 1629–1692
$ 15.00$ 27.95
This book recreates the lost world of 17th-century Charlestown and the lives and work of the first three generations of its townspeople. By using a variety of surviving records, Thompson...
AncestryDNA Kit
$ 99.00
AncestryDNA Kit
$ 99.00
From discovering their ethnicity to connecting with distant relatives, the largest DNA network in the world is helping more people find the singular story in their DNA. Yours is just...
EasyGenie Genetic Genealogy Triangulation Kit for DNA Tests
$ 19.99
The EasyGenie Genetic Genealogy Triangulation Kit is a research tool that can help genealogists determine how they are related to DNA matches on test results, and even identify specific shared...
Digging for Genealogical Treasure in New England Town Records
$ 18.95
2017 reprint of 1996 original, as part of the NEHGS Simple Print program Author: Ann Smith Lainhart Hardcover, 220 pages Key genealogical information is hidden in obscure town hall records...
Mayflower Families Through Five Generations Descendants of the Pilgrims Who Landed in Plymouth Massachusetts December 1620 Volume 14 Myles Standish
$ 35.00
Author: Russell Warner; revised by Robert S. Wakefield, FASG Published: 2007
The Ancestry of Thomas Bradbury (1611-1695) and his wife Mary (Perkins) Bradbury (1615-1700) of Salisbury, Massachusetts
$ 35.00$ 75.00
Author: John Brooks Threlfall
Published: 1988
Phippen Genealogy: Ancestors and Descendants of David Phippen (c. 1585-1650) of Melcombe Regis, Dorset, and Hingham and Boston, Massachusetts
$ 64.95
By John S. Fipphen and Richard C. Fipphen 2017 6" x 9" hardcover, 360 pages This book covers the origins of the family in England, where, before 1600, the name...
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