Showing 217 - 228 of 249 result

Webinar Syllabus: Researching Black Civil War Veterans

$ 10.00

By the conclusion of the American Civil War, an estimated 179,000 Black men had served in the U.S. Army and another 19,000 in the Navy. In this online lecture, Researcher...

Selected Ancestors of Nelson McMahon and Louise Rathbun

$ 69.95

When Nelson McMahon married Louise Rathbun, they forever linked his ancestral families from the Middle Atlantic with hers harkening back to New England. After the American Revolutionary War, his ancestors...

Elder Bethuel Riggs (1757–1835) of Morris County New Jersey and His Family Through Five Generations

$ 60.00

Author: Alvy Ray Smith Published: 2006 This book is devoted to Bethuel Riggs, a Revolutionary War veteran and Baptist preacher and church founder, and to five generations of his and...

Ancestral Lines of Iain W. F. Shepherd and Helen Waugh (Gray) Shepherd – Journeys in Time

$ 74.95

Ancestral Lines of Iain W. F. Shepherd and Helen Waugh (Gray) Shepherd – Journeys in Time is a combination of outstanding research and beautiful presentation. The book explores the lives of multiple generations of the...

Ancestors and Descendants of Lawrence Albert Waite and Hilda Marie Slaiger of North Attleborough, Massachusetts, with Allied Families, Immigrant Ancestors to America, and Royal Lineages

$ 54.95

By Judith Waite Freeman with Christopher C. Child and Nancy G. Bernard  Published March 2019 9 x 12 hardcover, 336 pages, illustrated Weights and Caprons from England, Schleichers from Germany, and Curtises from Irelandall settled in Attleborough--a Bristol County, Massachusetts, town on the Rhode Island border....

Portable Genealogist: Getting Started with U.S. WWII Records

$ 10.95

Learn about WWII draft registration cards, using the census to determine if your ancestor served; accessing Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Army files at the National Personnel Records Center;...

The Adams Family of Martha's Vineyard

$ 15.95

2017 reprint of 1987 original, as part of the NEHGS Simple Print program Author: Henry Edwards Scott Hardcover, 76 pages Descendants of Capt. Mayhew Adams (1729-1823), son of Eliashib (or...

The Search for Missing Friends: Irish Immigrant Advertisements Placed in the Boston Pilot, Volume 2: 1851-1853

$ 49.95

Originally published in 1989 by NEHGS in cooperation with the Irish Studies Program and the Department of History at Northeastern University, a total of eight volumes contain 5,655 ads published nation-wide from 1831 to 1920—a span of 89 years! The surprisingly detailed and at times agonizing public service notices were placed most often by family...

The Search for Missing Friends: Irish Immigrant Advertisements Placed in the Boston Pilot, Volume I: 1831-1850

$ 49.95

Originally published in 1989 by NEHGS in cooperation with the Irish Studies Program and the Department of History at Northeastern University, a total of eight volumes contain 5,655 ads published nation-wide from 1831 to 1920—a span of 89 years! The surprisingly detailed and at times agonizing public service notices were placed most often by family...

Webinar Syllabus: Understanding and Utilizing Indexes

$ 10.00

Indexes are an unparalleled tool for genealogists. When they exist in record collections and published compilations, they can point you directly to an ancestor without having to go page-by-page. However,...

Webinar Syllabus: Closing the Golden Doors: The Immigration Act of 1924

$ 10.00

From the mid-19th through the early 20th century waves of European immigrants arrived on American shores seeking new opportunities. Unfortunately, this period also ushered in antisemitic and prejudiced attitudes toward...
Showing 217 - 0 of 249 result
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