Portable Genealogist: Essential Abbreviations and Acronyms
$ 7.95
This handy reference guide explains the most important and most common abbreviations you will encounter in your research. Also includes acronyms for sources and organizations. The four-page laminated guide can...
Portable Genealogist: Additional Abbreviations and Acronyms
$ 7.95
A companion to Essential Abbreviations and Acronyms, this guide covers more specialized categories, such as Latin terms, legal terms, and terms related to genetic genealogy and Quaker and census records....
Portable Genealogist: African American Resources
$ 7.95
This guide is designed to help you through the challenging process of locating your African American ancestors. It provides tips for getting started, summarizes the various documents and records you...
Portable Genealogist: Applying to Lineage Societies
$ 6.95
A lineage or hereditary society is a member-based group that is organized around a common ancestor or ancestors of historical importance. For example, the General Society of Mayflower Descendants is...
Portable Genealogist: Cemetery and Gravestone Research
$ 7.95
When records are lacking, gravestones may be the genealogist's only source of information. Get tips on locating a cemetery, finding a specific gravesite, interpreting gravestone inscriptions, and reading transcriptions of...
Portable Genealogist: Organizing Your Research
$ 7.95
No matter how monumental the task of organizing your research may seem, a systematic method saves valuable time and creates more accurate work. This Portable Genealogist offers practical advice on...
Portable Genealogist: Pennsylvania Research
$ 7.95
Learn about print and electronic resources covering various groups who settled Pennsylvania: Mennonite, Quaker, Scots Irish, Dutch, and settlers from other European countries and elsewhere in the United States. The...
Portable Genealogist: Problem Solving in Irish Research
$ 7.95
Beyond the usual problems encountered in genealogy-lost records, inaccurate indexes and transcriptions, and variant spellings (to name a few)-Irish-American research presents a unique set of obstacles. So much of Irish...
Portable Genealogist: Seventeenth-Century New England Research
$ 7.95
Prior to 1700, the European population of New England was still sufficiently small and compact enough to be manageable from a genealogical standpoint. In many cases, town vital records, church,...
Portable Genealogist: Using DNA in Genealogy
$ 7.95
Advances in DNA research over the last decades have had huge implications for the field of genealogy. By testing your DNA and comparing the results to a database of other...
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