Portable Genealogist: Using the Federal Census: 1850-1950
$ 7.95
The 1850 census marks the first time every person in the household was enumerated by name. It also recorded such factors as immigration, education, income, and ethnicity, providing researchers with in depth information about ancestors. This updated guide provides background on the 1850–1950 U.S. Federal Census tabulation process, explains the difference between "census day" and "enumeration day," tells which records survive, lists the enumeration questions (by year), and provides general information about federal non-population schedules. The four-page laminated guide can fit easily in your research binder.
By Lindsay Fulton
The Great Migration Begins Immigrants to New England 1620-1633 (3 Volume Set)
$ 125.00
Already a classic, this three-volume set contains the most accurate, up-to-date information on over 900 New England families! The information on each individual or family includes their port or country...
Genealogical Notes: First Settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts
$ 24.95
Originally published in 1856, this is an essential resource for anyone with early Connecticut and Massachusetts ancestry. It presents compiled genealogical notes for more than 40 families, through the fourth...
Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America
$ 24.95
Originally published in 1910, Scotch Irish Pioneers offers a systematic treatment of the migration of the Scotch and English from the north of Ireland to the New World in the...
Early New England Families 1641–1700, Volume 2 (paperback)
$ 32.95
Addressing the lack of compiled information on individuals who immigrated to New England after the Great Migration, the Early New England Families Study Project provides accurate and concise published summaries...
Portable Genealogist: Essential Abbreviations and Acronyms
$ 7.95
This handy reference guide explains the most important and most common abbreviations you will encounter in your research. Also includes acronyms for sources and organizations. The four-page laminated guide can...
Portable Genealogist: Editorial Stylesheet
$ 7.95
When presenting your genealogical information, it’s important to be consistent in how you present your research, refer to certain places and people, and implement your overall style. This Portable Genealogist...
Portable Genealogist Compilation: Writing
$ 22.95
This easy-to-use compilation includes seven guides to help with your genealogical writing: Building a Genealogical Sketch, Genealogical Numbering, Editorial Stylesheet, Reference Notes, Indexing, and Compiling a Bibliography, plus Applying to...
Planters of the Commonwealth
$ 24.95
Planters of the Commonwealth
$ 24.95
This important classic work, first published in 1930, lists the names of immigrants to New England during the Great Migration, 1620–1640: more than 3,500 names of passengers on 96 ships....
Portable Genealogist: Immigration to the U.S.
$ 7.95
Since the 1600s, people have immigrated to America to escape religious or social persecution, claim a better life, or seek adventure. No matter the reason or time period, finding your...
A Guide to Massachusetts Public Records Parishes, Towns, and Counties
$ 26.95
In 1884, Carroll D. Wright was appointed to prepare a report showing the condition of the public records of the parishes, towns, and counties of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This...
Pioneers of Maine and New Hampshire
$ 24.95
Originally published in 1908, Pioneers of Maine and New Hampshire is a solidly researched precursor to the Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire . Author Charles Henry Pope relied...
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