Webinar Syllabus: Anniversary of the Four Courts Fire in Dublin
$ 10.00
Centuries of Irish history were lost as a result of the Four Courts Fire in Dublin in 1922. Senior Genealogist Rhonda R. McClure will delve into the history leading...
Webinar Syllabus: New England Town Records
$ 10.00
Town records from New England can contain a wealth of genealogical information. These records can contain records of births, marriages, burials, mortgages, name changes, and more that can help you...
Webinar Syllabus: Virginia Genealogy: Go-To Published Resources
$ 10.00
Virginia was not only the largest and most populous of the American colonies, but its population was also highly migratory within Virginia’s borders and beyond. Little wonder then that so...
Webinar Syllabus: Understanding Irish Land Divisions
$ 10.00
Ireland has a unique and rather confusing system of land divisions, all of which need to be known and understood to effectively and accurately look for your ancestors. A...
Webinar Syllabus: Finding Royal Connections in Your Family Tree
$ 10.00
So, you think you’re descended from royalty? You might be surprised to learn that a large number of Americans can claim descent from European nobility. In this lecture, Researcher Zachary...
Webinar Syllabus: Where?: Understanding Boundaries and Jurisdictions
$ 10.00
Understanding where your ancestor is living at a given time can be a loaded question—and to answer it completely, you need to know the broader geo-political and historical context. And...
Webinar Syllabus: Basics of New England Research
$ 10.00
Created by Ann Lawthers, Genealogist Published: October 2021 PDF Download, 12 pages Whether your ancestors lived in New England in the 17th century or the 21st centuries, this syllabus will...
Webinar Syllabus: Researching the Deep South
$ 10.00
Created by Ann Lawthers, GenealogistPublished: June 2021PDF Download, 12 pages Do you have ancestors from the Deep South? In this webinar, Genealogist Ann Lawthers addresses key challenges in researching families...
Webinar Syllabus: Researching Mariner Ancestors in New England
$ 10.00
Created by Susan Donnelly, Genealogist Published: April 2021 PDF Download, 11 pages For many living in New England during the 17th through 19th centuries, their livelihood and even survival was...
Webinar Syllabus: Researching Urban Ancestors in the 19th and 20th Centuries
$ 10.00
Created by Danielle Cournoyer, ResearcherPublished: March 2021PDF Download, 8 pagesIn the 19th and early 20th centuries, American cities seemingly sprang up overnight as new industries, new immigrant populations, and new...
Webinar Syllabus: The Federal Census: Moving Beyond the Population Schedule
$ 10.00
Created by Lindsay Fulton, Vice President for Research and Library ServicesPublished: January 2021PDF Download, 20 pagesWhen most family historians think about the census, they think of the population schedule—the enumeration...
Webinar Syllabus: Tips for Interviewing Relatives
$ 10.00
Created by Stephanie Call, Associate Director of Archives and Education at Wyner Family Heritage Center at NEHGSPublished: December 2020PDF Download, 12 pages The oral tradition of a family is perhaps...
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